David Brown’s Wildlife Services   

12 Hotel Road, Warwick, MA 01378


Tel: 978 544 8175


Wildlife tracking and other nature program


 Fall is the season for storage and preparation. Squirrels and chipmunks ae busy harvesting nuts and storing them in their larders against the privations of the coming winter. Young foxes are putting the finishing touches on their training with which to provide for themselves in the cold months to come. Suddenly, as the planet tilts, they will discover snow for the first time, insect-like flakes that descend from the sky and cover the ground with disorienting coating that stings their pads. Deer and moose switch their digestive bacteria from succulents to the dry browse of winter. All this activity provides the observant tracker with evidence with which to reconstruct the hidden lives of these animals. Come join us! 

Next Quabbin Trails Program:

Sunday, January 5

  • Sunday, December 15, 10am-3pm: Quabbin tracking
  • Sunday, January 5, 10am-3pm: Quabbin tracking
  • Thursday, January 16, 5pm-6:30pm: Indoor animal tracking program
  • Sunday, January 19, 10am-3pm: Quabbin tracking
  • Saturday, February 1, 10am-3pm: Quabbin tracking
  • Sunday, February 9, 10am-3pm: Quabbin tracking
  • Saturday, February 22, 10am-3pm: Quabbin tracking
  • Sunday, March 2. 10am-3pm: Quabbin tracking
  • Saturday, March 15, 10am-3pm: Quabbin tracking
  • Sunday, March 23, 10am-3pm: Quabbin tracking

Please see the Quabbin Trails page or the Sponsored Programs page for details.
