The printable registration blank below is for Quabbin Trails programs only. For sponsored programs please contact the hosting organization directly. Cost of Quabbin Trails programs is $45 per person per program. Please make check payable to “David Brown”.
Mail this form and payment via USPS to the address on the homepage. A confirmation of your registration will be sent to you by surface mail or e-mail upon receipt.
Registration blank for Quabbin Trails Programs:
(Please print legibly.)
Date(s) of program(s):
Mailing address:
Telephone number:
Total enclosed: $ Cash, or check payable to “David Brown“
Due to the difficulty in obtaining emergency medical care
in remote locations, Quabbin Trails programs are not recommended for anyone with a history of incapacitating sudden-onset illness or any condition likely to be worsened by long periods of moderate exertion in snow and cold or hot weather. Furthermore, since much travel in any tracking program is off-trail, programs are not suitable for those with coordination or balance problems.